This year, I made my first submission to the Tacoma Grand Cinema’s annual “253 Short Film Competition,” which entails entrants having three days to make a film no longer than 253 seconds and containing four common elements not revealed until those 72 hours commence! This time, the necessary pieces were:

1) A competition
2) The phrase “it’s time to roll”
3) Artificial intelligence
4) A tattoo

With that prompt in tow, I whipped up this cautionary tale of landlord-tenant law gone amuck in an automated near-future. While it didn’t take home any trophies, it was eligible for an audience-favorite award and did get a few noms! The true award, though, was what I got no matter what: a chance to truly say I had a movie screened at a theater. I had a ton of fun with it, and I look forward to doing similar projects in the future!