AU Volume V is Under Construction!

Well, it’s been nearly two months to the day since the last post ’round these parts, but I’m a firm believer in quality over quantity. Fortunately, a significant quantity of quality is just around the corner: The University of Washington’s incomparable, inscrutable, and all-around indie sci-fi/fantasy literary journal AU is revving up for its newest quarterly issue, with the theme of… wait for it… Invention! The piece I submitted (and fortunately got accepted–thanks again, guys!) is called “‘One Thousand Ways’, or ‘Reinvented'”; it’s an epic sonnet about love, death, and steampunk, and all the preview readings have so far been fairly positive.

But the release is the real deal: Whereas the previous launch party (which you can most likely read about by scrolling about four inches down the screen) took place in a campus classroom, this time–6:30pm, March 1–the University Book on The Ave will play host to the whole AU crew as they distribute hot (or at least lukewarm)-off-the-press copies of Volume V. Myself and other honored authors will be reading samples of our submissions, and copies will be on sale for three bucks a pop.

So as much as I may be talking to a single-digit crowd here, I implore anybody who’s in the area to come take a look! Discounts may or may not be offered for anybody who shows up in a hot air balloon.