
A horror artists Discord server I’m a part of — which is what’s been the impetus for most of my creative output this year so far — does semi-biweekly prompts. One recently was “SLEEPLESS,” so I made… whatever this is, capitalizing on my oddly specific (but, I think, reasonable) fear of things that shouldn’t have human eyes but do.

I like poetry, horror, and mysterious images… I think I’m getting the hang of combining them like this!

“The Woman in the Hall” – A Multiformat Creepypasta

Wrote a new short spooky story for ya! In a relative first for me, this one’s based on a true story… well, the first half or so is, at least.

Like many of my recent pieces, I decided to present this one in image form, but I also thought a video instead of just a still would be an ideal complement. So, since I also figured I’d want to narrate it anyway, there’s not only the above (looping) YouTube version but also a classic still image version:

24 Seconds of Found Footage – “Vampire”

As horror goes, I like found-footage and I like short stories, so I’ve been thinking I should combine the two more often… like this!