VLOGGIN’ IN: “Rambo: Last Blood” (2019)

“Vloggin’ In” continues with a belated take on my week-ago viewing of “Rambo: Last Blood”! (technical difficulties were had). tl;dw: It ain’t much, but you can do a lot worse as far as bloody old-man action flicks go.

All non-me video and audio from Google Image Search or Movavi Video Editor. May need to flip the poster to throw copyright bots off the scent.

Also, there was one part where Rambo literally just drives through a waist-high border fence without incident, so maybe *that* was a little iffy.

VLOGGIN’ IN: “Ad Astra” (2019)

Caught a Thursday night showing of the new Brad Pitt sci-fi movie “Ad Astra” and decided to pitch my two cents into the meaningless void of outer space with a driver’s seat recap!

All non-me video and audio from Google Image Search or Movavi Video Editor. May need to flip the poster to throw copyright bots off the scent.

Censorship blur was originally only supposed to coincide with my suggestive joke about space antennae, so perhaps my editing software is judging me by prefacing the video with a blur of my face as well.